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Azana Artist of the Month | Youff Mag

Makhosazana Masango who is known as Azana is the future of South African music. Born and bred in Chesterville which is a small Township west of Durban, this 19-year-old songstress has already taken over Apple Music’s pop chat with her debut album single Ingoma which debuted at number one in this country when it came out in August. Azana is not only talent and beauty but she has brains too, she’s currently studying law. Her hit song “Your Love” can be heard on most radio stations and we decided to shine a spotlight on her this month.

Q1. If you weren’t doing music, what would you be doing?

If I weren't doing music I'd be acting and modelling. I enjoy being on stage so the arts compliment who I am. I’d also be designing or be in art school.

Q2. If you could open up for any artist, who would it be and why?

2.It would definitely have to be for Beyonce, I admire her work ethic as well as her love for paying attention to detail in all that she puts out. She works with intention and she and her team express a lot of symbolism in her music videos, art, performance and meaning in the music they present to people. One of my favourite work by her is the recent Black is King, it's very beautiful to see Beyonce celebrate Africans with mostly her lyrics and visuals and to see society follow is great, "Shine already, its time already". I’m inspired.

Q3. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your music career and how did you overcome it?

3. Releasing  my music for people to listen to and evaluate. Later I learned that music is different for everyone and will be appreciated by different people at different times so I’velearned to cherish all views and responses I get from my music because it’s all art and its power is beyond me.