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Tips on How To Lose Weight | Youff Mag

Getting into shape can be a bit difficult especially after a hectic festive season or vacation of eating and overindulging. Here are a few tips on how you can get in shape and lose those extra kilos and embark on w weight loss journey.

kilos and embark on w weight loss journey.

1. Eat in a calorie deficit.

To be able to lose weight, you need to eat in a calorie deficit. The food we eat has calories

and our body also burns and consumes these calories. To lose weight, a person needs to eat

less calories than what their body requires to maintain their current weight. It is the science

behind losing weight and if this concept can be mastered, losing weight will be a walk in

the park.

2. Drink lots of water

Drinking water before and after your meals will not only help keep you hydrated, but it will

help increase your metabolism. Some studies also show that drinking water before your

meals and with your meals will help you feel fuller for longer. So, put away the fizzy drinks

and drink your water. Try to drink at least two litres of water a day. To make drinking water

easier, always carry a bottle with you and make sure you track your water intake and

remember to drink water before eating and with your meals.

3. Get moving.

It is important to keep moving to burn the calories. It can be walking, hiking, dancing,

running, going to the gym or any kind of sport that you like. The more you move, the more

calories you burn which will make the weight loss journey much easier. Avoid movements

that will feel like a chore but instead perform movements you enjoy doing.

4. If its not meant to be eaten, do not buy it.

A lot of people make the mistake of buying snacks and foods that they are not meant indulge

in. The trick is that if you know you cannot control yourself with portions, rather do not

buy it. Cravings are real and it will be easier not to indulge in something if it is not available

in your house. If you struggle with portion control, rather buy small packets of your

favourite snacks to eat so that it is easier for you to control how much you eat. Avoid

keeping foods and snacks that are higher in calories in your pantry.

5. Keep a food diary.

Keeping track of the food you eat will help you notice what your body responds to. It will

also help you see how you feel after eating certain foods because some foods may cause

bloating and when you have a food diary, you can easily eliminate and track when your

body responds to certain foods. A food diary will also help make it easier to adjust and

make changes to the food you are eating. Keeping a food diary and checking the food you

eat on fitness apps will also help you see how many calories you are eating in a day and

help make healthy snack choices.

6. Make vegetables your friend

Vegetables are lower in calories which means you can have them in higher volumes. Some

people really enjoy big meals and instead of having a big bowl of rice, you can have a bowl

filled with more pumpkin which is lower in calories, but it will leave you feeling fuller for

longer. Try and include green vegetables in your protein meals, so if you have chicken, you

can add some green beans and pumpkin a well instead of rice. Carbs are not bad for you,

so if you are a carbs lover, you will have to have your rice but in a lower serving. Make

sure that your meals are colourful which will make it easier to stay on track.

7. Remain consistent

In whatever you do on your journey, remain consistent. The secret to losing weight is to

remain consistent. Consistent in your eating, training, or exercise plan, snacking right or

even drinking water. It is the small habits that will help you reach your goal. Remember

that it takes time, and you should be patient with the process. Consistency will bring results.

You cannot eat burgers every day and expect to lose weight, you need to eat less calorie

foods and you will start to see changes.

8. Self-love

The journey to weight loss can be a very stressful and draining process especially when

you feel like there are no changes. It is important give yourself love, look at how far you

have come and always celebrate the small wins. It could be not eating sugar for three days

or walking for 30 minutes longer, celebrate your wins. This will keep you motivated on

your journey and make the journey more enjoyable. Love yourself no matter what and

always do daily affirmations because you are enough no matter which stage of your weight

loss journey you are at.