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Staying in shape | Youff Mag

Staying Fit and looking good is a goal many of us strive to achieve yet have soo much trouble reaching or maintaining such a feat, which usually leads to many falling off the wagon.

One way to stay in shape is by making your training regime fun ! Find a physical activity/sport which is out of the ordinary that forces you to stay in shape and is also enjoyable ,such as calistenics or martial arts that compel you to constantly seek new heights yet always keeps you looking for more due to the many different skills one can achieve.

Realise that your fitness and health is your own personal lifelong journey.

Realise that your fitness and health is your own personal lifelong journey. It shouldn't be taken for granted or ignited due to the "January hype" or "summer body" hype which most of us know never last long for most. Allow yourself time to understand your body and patiently watch as your body transforms before your eyes.

Remember anything worth having won't come easy , so give yourself time. A city can't be built in a day! . Grab a gym partner or workout buddy that'll help keep your sessions enjoyable although keep in mind that this is your own journey so don't depend on others to keep you motivated to train ,because if they happen to fall off ,it's only a matter of time before you do. So have fun with others but remember this is for your own health and fitness so keep that in mind .

Understand that this is your body ,you tell your body what to do ,not the other way around! There will be days when you're in pain or lazy and literally don't want to go to gym but go anyway. Being motivated doesn't happen everyday...Be disciplined ! Your unmotivated days where you still decided to go train will be a huge factor when you reap the benefits of your body, realising that being disciplined is what made you achieve your goals.

Keep in mind that the journey is the goal! Achieving your ideal body or performance levels will come but don't rush to reach such or you will most likely fail. Give yourself time and enjoy the process, "training isn't fun " is what the majority of the populous will tell you although all that's required is a change of mind and training won't be the burden it's perceived to be.

by Zisto