The beginning of last year saw many of us starting the year off with our vision boards filled with
resolutions for the year 20plenty.
We all had these incredible plans to finally bring our passions to fruition and nothing was going to
stop us.
Fast forward a few months into the year, our world’s were flipped upside down. The norm
completely changed and nothing was the same. We had to quickly adjust to the new reality we were
plunged into and try familiarize ourselves with our new reality.
This proved to be trickier than expected as we experienced a great deal of losses along the way. We
were yanked away from our loved ones without warning, our investments took a dip, some even had
to shut down their business completely. This pain was brand new, like nothing we’ve ever
experienced... the year 20plenty definitely was living up to it’s name, just not in the way we had
Here’;s what it taught me though,
Stop wrestling the pain... you’re not it’s first victim. It has eons of experience while each painful
experience is brand new for you.
Stop trying to make sense of how somethings could affect you to the point of paralysis... emotions
are complex and the only way to hear the messages they are relaying is to truly listen and feel them.
You are the universe in human form. Extremely intricate With your peaks and depths, with your rain
and shine, your light and dark as well as the good and bad yet fully equipped to survive by sheer
divine design. You are made to heal yourself when the time is right.
Just do what comes naturally and breathe
There’s power encapsulated in affirmations. There’s extreme power hidden in visualizing and
verbalizing exactly what you heart desires. So may we find the courage in this new year to turn over
a new leaf and vigorously manifest and bring to life all our visions.
Here’s to 2021