Deeply [Rooted]

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Editors' Note | Youff Mag Mar 20

Hope & Zisto

We can’t believe it’s been a whole year since the coronavirus vaccine rocked the world. If anything, the last 12 months have shown us just how precious life is and that all we have is today because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. It also taught us to be grateful for what we do have and of course our frontline workers. Man, these men and women who have been dealing with patients first hand and putting their lives at risk are truly remarkable. Which is why this issue is the Frontline issue. We sat down with a team of doctors and found out how the pandemic has impacted them, the learnings they got from this devastating virus and found out more regarding the coronavirus vaccine.

Not only are they doctors but they are young black doctors. As the youff family, we just want to thank all health workers for their selfless service and efforts. They inspire us and we hope that as the youth you are also inspired to make the most of whatever field or career you choose to follow. Here’s to defeating the odds. God bless you and your families at these times and as much as we are on Level 1, don’t stop taking extra precautions and stay safe.


Hope and Zisto
