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Editor's Note | Youff: The DECEMBER Issue

Hope Mbhele & Zisto


We say goodbye to Ke Dezember boss even though it was totally different from how we usually dezember. Between the corona, curfews and other restrictions we really had to make sure that the Dezember issue of Youff packs a punch so that you are kept informed and entertained past the silly season. We have a lot to be grateful for and a lot of lessons to take into 2021. The Youff fam would like to send hugs and condolences to everyone suffering through loss of a loved one, loss of employment and depression.

We are fighting through a pandemic but most importantly, we are fighting. In the famous words of Bobo “Yilwa Ntombo”. May you carry the fighting spirit with you to 2021. We chose Kamo Mphela to be on the December Cover because she represents a young talent that has fought to secure her place in the entertainment world and in society. She has become the voice of Amapiano and keeps doing her thang! We love to see it.