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Busting Some New Health and Fitness Myths | Youff Mag

All over the world, people are trying to get into a healthy routine or live a healthy lifestyle. There is unlimited information available to get you started on your fitness journey, but during your search for the most appropriate plan, you will encounter people who will offer you quick fixes to lose weight, gain muscles or even to just live an overall healthy lifestyle. Here are a few fitness myths to look out for when embarking on your fitness journey.

1.You can out train a bad diet

Some trainers will tell you that regardless of what eat you can still achieve your fitness goals as long as you train very hard at the gym. If your goal is to lose body fat, you need to be in an overall calorie deficit. This means that you need to be eating less calories than what your body requires to maintain your current weight, “calories in vs calories out”. Even in a caloric deficit you can still gain muscle mass and loose fat if you are eating a sufficient amount of Protein within your total calories.

Strength training will help you build muscle in addition to eating the right amount of protein and total daily calories. How do you know you’re eating the right amount of calories? Well you can download any calorietracking App on your app store that will help you keep track of what you eat. For more precision, you can invest on a food scale which will really help you. In conclusion it’s about the calories in vs calories out and consistently being mindful of the two.

2. Waist trainers will speed up your weight loss and help you get a flat stomach

Waist trainers are not going to give anyone a flat stomach because they do not in any form, burn fat. Just like how you cannot dictate where you gain weight when you eat, you cannot spot reduce body fat. The only way you will be able to lose fat around the stomach is if you lose your overall body fat and then you can be able to see noticeable fat loss around your stomach area. Waist trainers will hurt your backband make your training sessions uncomfortable as well as affect your Breathing.. It is important to note that you will not be able to lose weight unless you invest in being in a calorie deficit.

3. Weight training will make females bulky and manly

Weight training or lifting weights will not make females look bulky. With a proper nutrition and training plan, weight training will get your body toned, help you get fitter and build stronger muscles. On the contrary, with more muscle, your body will be able to burn more fat more efficiently because muscles help in burning fat.

4. More sweat means more weight loss

Some people will release more sweat than others. Sweating less does not mean you are not burning any calories. Exercise burns calories and therefore it is not necessary to wear sweat suits when training as that can even cause heat strokes or even heart attacks. Remember, everyone is different

and some people generally sweat more than others, or even less than others, which is perfectly okay. Learn about your body and do not put yourself under pressure to sweat as much as the person next to you.

5. The best time to train is in the morning

The best time to train is the time that is convenient for you. Just because you train at 5am in the morning and someone else trains at 8pm in the evening does not mean the 5am individual will get better results. Your level of training together with your diet will determine your results. Train at any time that is suitable for you and your schedule and ensure that your body is appropriately fuelled for your workout.

6. Pain means you are doing a good job at the gym

Do not think that experiencing pain all the time means your workouts are going great. Pain which carries on for days or even weeks could be a signal for something else that needs to be checked out by a professional to rule out any serious injuries,You will get some muscle soreness after a few sessions, but they should not carry on for weeks, make you feel very uncomfortable or cause very excruciating pain.

7. You do not need rest days

For your muscles to grow and for your body to recover, you need to rest. Your body will not be able to carry you for weeks in and weeks out without rest Your mind and body will end up crashing because you did not real enough. your muscles grow when you rest them. It is important not to over train all in the name of ‘team no rest’. Your body will be prone to injuries because it does not get the chance to recover.

8. Supplements are where results are found

Supplements are used to supply what your body is not able to get from food. So, if your target is to

eat 150g of protein and you do not reach the goal by eating all the protein rich food, it is then that you can supplement with whey protein. It does not mean just because you are using supplements, your goals will be reached faster, and you are guaranteed results. You need to still be able to eat whole foods to nourish your body. Food is fuel for your muscles and supplements are there to help

you supply what your body is missing or is unable to get from whole foods. There are many other myths that are widely spread throughout the fitness industry. It is important to do proper research when starting your fitness journey or embarking on a fitness.

Remember to do what works for you, it is your journey so it should always be best suited for you. Just because diet plan A has worked for person B, it does not automatically mean it will also work for you. Find what you are comfortable with, what is convenient for you and what will be sustainable for you. Eat whole foods before looking into supplements and keep active, move. Always ask yourself, will I be able to sustain the lifestyle in the next 6 months to reach my fitness goals.