Deeply [Rooted]

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Bloggers Corner | Youff Mag

"No man's an island. We are all interconnected as the death of another diminishes me"

By Elle Sishi

This quote resonates deeply within me, it's almost as if everytime I see it, I understand it differently. It's helped me realize the flaw with attempting to live life independently in a world where we are all interconnected.

We are all somehow entangled in each other's story and fall, part of each others journey. The peace that comes with the knowledge that you are not alone is one that brings a sense of sanity in an otherwise insane world.

I've always wrestled with the idea of freedom and what it truly means. Trying to find the balance between fully expressing myself fearlessly while protecting the peace of those around me by respecting and acknowledging their presence.

I think of how I would ideally love to walk around naked and maybe speak however way I want but the fact that i exist in a worldwhere people have their limitations in terms of what they can consume, limits me.=

I am aware of how the decisions of the next individual directly impact me and vice versa. I'm beginning to grasp the intricacies of being a grain of sand at sea and how the merging of these grains

provide a solid platform for one to rest on and stand firmly on. Similarly, I am a human amongst many and collectively we build a society that raises future kings and queens, we provide them with a solid base to stand on.