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5 Tips on How to Take Good Instagram Photos | Youff Mag

5 Tips on How to Take Good Instagram Photos

By Sinethemba Duma

Creating content isn’t easy, but it can be! It all comes down to taking good Instagram worthy pictures. I always get asked how I make taking pictures with my phone appear so easy- and that’s because IT IS.

You just need to practice and familiarise yourself with your smartphone camera features.

What I love about my smartphone camera is that I can take my phone anywhere, it’s not complicated to use, the quality is good enough and, in some cases, can be even better than a camera(debatable).

I’ll be sharing 5 tips on how to achieve cute Instagram pictures with your smartphone without having to overthink it.

All you need to do is understand some basic photography principles and learn what actually DRIVES-ENGAGEMENT on your Instagram. I’ll be sharing 5 tips on how to achieve cute Instagram pictures with your smartphone without having to overthink it.

All you need to do is understand some basic photography principles and learn what actually DRIVES-ENGAGEMENT on your Instagram.

Tip #1 Understanding Light

Light is one of the BIGGEST photography factors. Natural light is the best way to light your pictures Try to avoid direct rays of sunshine so that you don’t get harsh shadows or exposure. Too much light and your subject looks washed outand ashy.

Too little and the dark photo doesn’t grab your audience’s attention. Always ensure that you adjust your lighting by positioning, tapping on different focus areas to see how light and shadows change, and through flattering angles. However, in some cases, shadows and rays can be beneficial to your picture – it’s all about perception.

For example, early morning and sunset sun usually tend to cast the softest glow. An afternoon sun’s harsh rays often blow out a photo’s white parts. If you know how the sun and lights behave in your space, then it’ll be easier to manipulate the light and use it to your advantage.

Tip #2 Angles Are Everything

Angles can take your pictures to another level! Whether you’re taking a flat-lay picture or shooting straight ahead- ensure that your angles maximise your picture.

Using gridlines is useful for creating angles as they help you line up your shots for the perfect overhead shot or, match the gridlines up so that your photo elements are parallel. What does this mean?

The tables or walls should be parallel in your photo to the camera’s gridlines.Always take a step back and examine it from various angles. Sometimes the straight-on shot isn’t the most interesting, sometimes it’s amazing.


Switching up your photos by adding layers can take it to the top! By layering I mean, mix in different textures and add a background. You’ll still have a subject in focus, but layers add interest and guide the viewer to your subject. Think of it as the “supporting act”LayersLayering adds depth and makes the picture interesting. However, too much layering can make the picture look busy – so blur out your background or keep your objects minimum.

#4. EDIT! Edit EDIT!

After taking your images, you may need to edit them. Some images require little to no editing, whilst others may require more. There are many amazing photography apps that can be used to edit your photos on your phone. My current favorites are Lightroom, VSCO, Snapseed, and the editing tools native to Instagram itself. Tweaking the crop, exposure, contrast, saturation, and clarity are the easiest ways to make your pictures really pop.


Play around with colour and tones! Minimalism and neutrals are trendy, but sometimes a pop of color can take your picture to the top!Bright, rich colors are captivating and make your pictures pop. And when it comes to Instagram photography, they make a big impact on a small screen.

There’s no right or wrong way in photography, so use these tips only as a guide. Happy Snapping!