Ep 22 Black House Talk | Thami Dlamini | RadioD[R]
With Comedian Thami Dlamini
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Thami Dlamini is a young professional with a comedy side habit he uses to grow his pockets. we find out about what is like to try build the comedy scene in Durban alongside some great people and more. Black House Talk
EP16 Deeply [Rooted] Show Journalism, Ageism, Growing Up | Zistolive (Copy)
The Deeply [Rooted] Show is hosted by Silo Dimba and Nzuz'Enhle Mkhabela, they're joined by Zisto.
EP10 Deeply [Rooted] Show | For The Culture | RadioDR.co.za
DRS is hosted by Nzu and Silo and they're out at Aces Pizza, 4TheCulture event, Tune In. For more www.deeplyrooted.world
EP10 Deeply [Rooted] Show | For The Culture | RadioDR.co.za
DRS is hosted by Nzu and Silo and they're out at Aces Pizza, 4TheCulture event, Tune In. For more www.deeplyrooted.world
EP08 Deeply [Rooted] Show | SA Structures, Community Leader, ChrisRock meme | Touch Cibane | RadioDR
The Deeply [Rooted] Show is hosted by Silo & Nzuzo and their joined by Touch Cibane and the peanut gallery! For more, www.RadioDR.co.za
EP 06 Deeply [Rooted Show | Chemistry, Ascending Modelling, Upcoming event | Video
The Deeply {Rooted] Show is hosted by Nzu & Silo, featuring guest Sbahle Monica, as she tells us about her modelling journey, chemistry background and new ventures, for more go to www.radioDR.co.za
EP 4 DRS Black Hiking | Thobile Ntaka
Nzu & Silo have a chat with Silos sibling, Thobile Ntaka about all things Black Hiking, www.radiodr.co.za